Well, I've gone and done it. I've committed to another round of tapestry workshops. These two are going to be great fun. They are both in my studio in the Second Street art district of Santa Fe. If you haven't taken a class in my studio before, it is a great place to learn. Maximum number of students is 7 and we have full advantage of my book collection for reference. All classes include use of my hand-dyed weft yarn and numerous handouts.
The first is almost full. I am teaching an extended version of the color gradation class I have taught a lot in the last few years January 19 to 23, 2014. This 5-day class will include learning weaving techniques to create color gradation in tapestry including hachure, hatching, and dye pot/weft bundling techniques as well as some discussion of color theory and design. There is only one spot left, so consider coming to Santa Fe for a little winter fun. (I have no guarantees about the weather, but New Mexico almost always has gloriously sunny winter days.)
The second class is a new one. I am teaching a beginning tapestry techniques class called
Warp and Weft: Learning the Structure of Tapestry. This class will be March 24 to 26. We will learn
the basics of tapestry technique with an emphasis on the structure of
weft-faced weave and how it relates to creating a woven image. Students
will complete a technique sampler they can refer to at home as well as
begin working on how to incorporate concepts such as bubbling, splicing,
joins, and craftsmanship as well as troubleshooting problems. Yep, that troubleshooting problems thing might be the most important of all.
You can find out more and sign up on my website at
Please feel free to contact me with questions.
And in case you missed it, there is a link to last week's newsletter