Thursday, August 21, 2014

Throwback Thursday in a BIG way

Throwback Thursday seems to have become popular on Twitter and Facebook (and perhaps other social media sites that I am too old to understand choose to ignore. Here is my submission for this week.

My sister Laura suggested that we recreate a photo taken of us when we were very young... you know, just a few short years ago. So when we were both at the family homestead a few weeks ago, we did just that.

You may be able to tell by the changes in vegetation and the town behind us, that AHEM, we weren't born yesterday. We're still cute though, right?


  1. No doubt about it, you are both still very cute.

  2. 8.23.2014 2:30pm on the East Coast from Janet K in your "first" online class
    You are very similar to the Rainey Sisters who have had a blog forever for knitters....assume you have read their blogs...
    Yes, you are cute and yes, your footwear remains similar...
    What's missing here are your children and husbands....then the cousins can start a photo chain...

    1. I haven't seen their blog Janet! I'll look it up.


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